Patient Mrs T., 41 yrs old, from Thailand presented at Superior A.R.T. after having given birth to a son with a rare severe X-Linked gene disorder, “Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease (SCID)”.

Superior A.R.T. Genetics counselled the patient and build a PGD-PCR test for the SCID disorder. Under the care of Dr Weena Krutsawad, Mrs T. had two stimulation cycles with combined PGD-NGS and PGD-PCR. A total of 7 embryos were tested resulting in 2 embryos that were both chromosomally normal and free of the SCID disorder.

One embryo was transferred, and Mrs T. had a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Mrs T. was overjoyed that such expertise, advanced technology, and super care was available allowing her and her husband to have a healthy baby.

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